English Syllabus

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In any competitive exams, questions from the English section are mostly based on English Grammar. Grammar is the fundamental principles or basic rules of a language. If you are thorough with the grammar then you can score good marks in English section.

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  1. Alphabet
    Singular and Plural words
    Correct Spelling of Words
  2. Parts of Speech
  3. Sentence and Types of Sentence
  4. Tense and its Uses
  5. Articles (a, an, the)
  6. Voice-Active Voice and Passive Voice
  7. Conditional Clause (if/unless)
  8. Speech-Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
  9. Question Tag
  10. Preposition
  11. Concord
  12. Relative Pronoun
  13. Absolute Construction (Non-finite clause)
  14. Degree of Comparison
  15. Double Comparatives
    (The moreā€¦..the more construction)
  16. Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences
  17. Confusing Words

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