Maths Syllabus

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As maths is  a must study topic for any competitive exam here we give an approximate syllabus for the Maths exams. There is no gurantee that question will come for the exact marks given here. It is an approximate. Normally you can expect ques

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Percentage - 3 Qns

Ration and Proportion - 1 Qns

Agerage  - 1 Qns

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Tank or Job - 1 Qns

Train - 1 Qns

Number System - 3 Qns

Clock – 1 Qns

Maths of Numbers – 1 Qns

Simple and Compound interest – 1 Qns

Geometry – 2 Qns

Queue – 1 Qns

Direction – 1 Qns

Coding and Decoding – 3 Qns

Arithmetic and Geometric Progression – 1 Qns

Calendar – 1 Qns

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